. >> duncan hames. >> thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday, a serving police officer was jailed for an appalling assault committed in a police station in my constituency. whilst i believe that we can draw confidence from the brave officer who blew the whistle, does the deputy agree that the defendant officers should not continue on full pay? for more than two years after the attack? >> that the prime minister. >> we are deeply shocked to see the pictures of the offense which was perpetrated by the police officer. i'm sure i share people's dismay that action was not taken more speedily. however stressful the conditions are under which police officers were, it is absolutely essential that they uphold the very high standards of their own conduct in whatever situation. that clearly was not the case here. i'm glad that action has finally been taken. i wish it could have been taken earlier. >> gregg mcclymont. >> the business secretary reaffirmed his commitment to the separation of high street banking from casino banking. does the deputy