to worry about conspiracies because you won't be vanquished until birnam wood should come to dunsinane hillrthrown until an entire forest moves on my castle. but how could that happen? exactly. exactly. it's just the witches' way of saying it can never happen. they like to speak in riddles for some reason but the meaning seems pretty clear. well it certainly sounds good. sweet bode-ments to my ears. but you're not quite done with the sisters and you ask about banquo's heirs again. yeah, i'm still a little bit worried about that. and then you see a procession of eight kings followed by banquo who points at them smiling. uh, yeah, and then banquo disappears. and the witches disappear as well. bubbles on water, the hags. then lennox shows up and he brings word that mcduff has fled to england. is that right? yes, and just as i was going to kill him! i need to stop thinking about these things and just do them! just do it, as they say these days. that's a good motto. just do it. from now on the very first things of my heart shall be the first things of my hand. i'm going to crown my thoughts with