the dupage county airport is a general aviation airport. and we're in the middle between a landing strip and the big passenger hubs. and our main business is dealing with corporate jets, charter flights, cargo and recreation. so those are the users of the airport. and we are fortunate and we have several runways and by and large our recreational planes land in one section of the airport and take off in our big arraign which is 7,200 feet. that is where we deal with the corporate jets and the charters. so about 8 years ago, i was asked by the dupage county board to become involved in the airport because the airport was losing money. there were several scandals in the airport that the press was attacking the county board and the political leaders over the inefficiency. it was a big drain on property taxes for the area. and they asked me to come in and run it like a business. and with that mandate, i assumed control of the airport. and began a series of changes that dramatically altered the landscape for the airport. and we went from losing $2