duquesne: you can make this smoother for yourself. but you get one chance. how? have a seat.l right, here's a list of employees who have policies that have died in the last five years. circle all the names you're responsible for. let me ask you a question, mr. yates. you're just the numbers cruncher here, right? so you didn't come up with this plan on your own. who's behind this? you'll tell the judge that i helped you? yes. my ceo, desalvo. he said, "we have the policies, why not use them?" he told me i'd have "lifetime employment" if i did this. do you have anything that can prove that? like a little trail of bread crumbs? desalvo's not that stupid. forgot to circle jeff lofton. because i had nothing to do with that. i swear. excuse us for a moment. this guy just gave us half a dozen murders. what's the problem? here's the thing: if we don't have any hard evidence, it's going to be desalvo's word against his. well, then our ceo walks. exactly. and we still have to figure out who killed jeff lofton. Ñe hey, did you get my message? yeah, patrol found our missing girl. yeah, t