Jul 3, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.tural. que dura 8 semanas. cuida tu cabello y cuero cabelludo. con acondicionadores en cada paso nuevo nice'n easy en crema ahora mejor y mas facil. nuevo nicehey tú, en crema ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión? prueba con zyrtec... que actúa poderosamente desde la primera hora, refuerza su eficacia si lo tomas al día siguiente. zyrtec y deja de sufrir alergias. ♪ ¿y si comemos algo antes de la fiesta? ¿y si hacemos algo más movido? ♪ ¿y si le subimos una rayita? ♪ mira, llegaron tarde también. la totalmente nueva rav4. toyota, vayamos juntos. rouge signature sunset. tinte labial mate. ocho nuevos tonos cálidos. menos textura, más colores. más parís. mate duradero. sensación natural. rouge signature sunset. de l'oréal paris. we're worth it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> nosotros estamos aquÍ gozando, nueva york amigos es famoso por sus altos rascacielos y sus avenidas, pero en medio de la ciudad se esconde un tesoro hermoso. >> asÍ es verÓnica estÁ en el corazÓn del parque central para contarnos de
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.tural. que dura 8 semanas. cuida tu cabello y cuero cabelludo. con acondicionadores en cada paso nuevo nice'n easy en crema ahora mejor y mas facil. nuevo nicehey tú, en crema ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión? prueba con zyrtec... que actúa poderosamente desde la primera hora, refuerza su eficacia si lo tomas al día siguiente. zyrtec y deja de sufrir alergias. ♪ ¿y si comemos algo antes de la fiesta? ¿y si hacemos algo más...
Jul 2, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. estoy muy orgulloso de ser bombero.ra pudiera marcar esta diferencia. soy multifunctional, por eso me emociona colgate total. hace aún más. elimina gérmenes en toda mi boca. alivia la sensibilidad... y fortalece los dientes. colgate total. haz más por toda tu boca. listerine® limpia aprácticamente un 100%. ayudando a prevenir gingivitis y el mal aliento. nunca te conformes con un 25% siempre ve por un 100% ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> hoy es el dÍa que la nasa prueba una de sus naves espaciales se trata de la orion para transportar astronautas hasta la Órbita lunar estÁ preparando todo para que los humanos humanos regresen a la luna, esto despuÉs en la maÑana desde cabo caÑaveral en la florida. por primera vez nuestra cadena es distinguida por obtener un premio por este lugar de diseÑo y tecnologÍa, vanessa hauc bien habla por quÉ estÁ por adelante de las cadenas de televisiÓn. >>> el premio va para, noticias telemundo. asÍ es, estamos celebranduecias sido premiado como el mejor de su clase en todos los estados unidos. >>> una expe
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. estoy muy orgulloso de ser bombero.ra pudiera marcar esta diferencia. soy multifunctional, por eso me emociona colgate total. hace aún más. elimina gérmenes en toda mi boca. alivia la sensibilidad... y fortalece los dientes. colgate total. haz más por toda tu boca. listerine® limpia aprácticamente un 100%. ayudando a prevenir gingivitis y el mal aliento. nunca te conformes con un 25% siempre ve por un 100% ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>>...
Jul 1, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.entificado como como cabezuela falleciÓ tras contraer e coli por acariciar a animales portadores de la bacteria en una bella de san diego, california. otros menores tambiÉn fueron infectados por acariciar a los animalesdel zoolÓgico interactivo que ya ha sido totalmente clausurado. la familia ha abierto una pÁgina para costear los gastos del funeral. >> en florida una mujer muriÓ por consecuencia de la bacteria conocida como " come carne". cayÓ enferma tras cortarse en una playa sobre la costa del golfo y dÍas mÁs tarde le encontraron inconsciente en su casa. ella sÍ había ido al mÉdico quien la vacuno contra el tÉtanos y le recetÓ antibiÓticos pero al parecer no le diagnosticaron la bacteria sino hasta que ya fue muy tarde. borja: primero la joven y luego la mujer. la verdad es que es muy peligroso y los expertos nos recomiendan no baÑarnos con una herida abierta. yo siempre pensÉ que la herida abierta cicatrizado mejor con la sal del mar. arantxa: pero no en todas las playas hay pres
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.entificado como como cabezuela falleciÓ tras contraer e coli por acariciar a animales portadores de la bacteria en una bella de san diego, california. otros menores tambiÉn fueron infectados por acariciar a los animalesdel zoolÓgico interactivo que ya ha sido totalmente clausurado. la familia ha abierto una pÁgina para costear los gastos del funeral. >> en florida una mujer muriÓ por consecuencia de la bacteria conocida como "...
Jul 1, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. daño? le aplicamos a una brocha el acondicionador dove, y las expusimos a condiciones que causan daño. la diferencia es clara. acondicionador dove intensive repair. para un cabello hermoso y suave. el trabajo duro deja huella. se nota en tu ropa. polvo, mugre, y cada mancha que el trabajo deja en ti. nuevo tide heavy duty. diseñado para las manchas imposibles. te damos otra razón más para unirte a t-mobile. ¿te gusta netflix? por supuesto. por eso te lo damos por cuenta nuestra. ¿necesitas otra razón para unirte? trae tu descuento y te lo igualamos. ¡así es! t-mobile igualará tu descuento. musica >> por superhÉroes no paramos uno de los clÁsicos regresa el que querido hombre araÑa en la piel del joven actor que lo encarna por segunda v vez, francisco entrevistar a los actores y la protagonista, que tal francisco buenas tarde s avengers superaron la taquilla, llega el hombre araÑa, me vine a londres para platicar con sus protagonistas >> lo interpre ahora tom regre s su segunda pelÍcul
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. daño? le aplicamos a una brocha el acondicionador dove, y las expusimos a condiciones que causan daño. la diferencia es clara. acondicionador dove intensive repair. para un cabello hermoso y suave. el trabajo duro deja huella. se nota en tu ropa. polvo, mugre, y cada mancha que el trabajo deja en ti. nuevo tide heavy duty. diseñado para las manchas imposibles. te damos otra razón más para unirte a t-mobile. ¿te gusta netflix? por...
Jul 3, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. hey tú, ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión?ar. 2 veces más fácil de desenredar. el pelo se rompe 2 veces menos. nuevos elvive rapid revivers acondicionadroes profundos. elvive revive el pelo dañado. aconpero tú sigue saltando pro¡otrocomo si nada! ¡muy bien! 5 paradas, 0 accidentes. chica, vamos ganando! huggies little movers. nuestro pañal que se ajusta como un abrazo. hugg on hay tanto aroma en el nuevo detergente gain scent blast ... ... que lo amaras o nuevo gain scent blast- lo amas o lo odias. es intenso! lo rico no es un estreno en la ♪lfombra roja. sino un estreno en nuestro backyard. ♪ life's rich. ritz. ♪ >> estados unidos ya tiene su puesto en la final de la copa mundial femenina de la fifa francia 2019 ayer se impuso por dos goles a uno a inglaterra, en un partido con el que una de sus estrellas alex morgan celebraba su cumpleaÑos 30 anotando el gol de la victoria del equipo. las inglesas en tuvieron la suerte porque l fallaron un de repetir tÍtulos de campeonas del mundo. uno de los momentos que haenÓn celebrar de
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. hey tú, ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión?ar. 2 veces más fácil de desenredar. el pelo se rompe 2 veces menos. nuevos elvive rapid revivers acondicionadroes profundos. elvive revive el pelo dañado. aconpero tú sigue saltando pro¡otrocomo si nada! ¡muy bien! 5 paradas, 0 accidentes. chica, vamos ganando! huggies little movers. nuestro pañal que se ajusta como un abrazo. hugg on hay tanto aroma en el nuevo detergente gain scent...
Jul 2, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.r el precio de la gasolina en california y en otros estados hasta 19 centavos por galÓn. son malos noticias para muchos que dependen del vehÍculo para trabajar pero vÍctor hugo averiguÓ como se puede gastar menos en gasolina. >>> los precios del combustible se siguen disparando aprobaron el aumento de impuesto que entrarÁ en vigor hoy. >>> por lo que choferes en california tendrÁn que pagar un aumento en impuesto mÁs para recaudar fondos para la reparaciÓn del carreteras. >>> sin embargo estos cambios no dice josÉ afectarÁn su bolsillo porque tiene un negocio de jardinerÍa y depende se dÉ su camioneta para poder trabajar. >>> antes le echaba 20 dÓlares ahorita son 40 dÓlares lo tiene que llenar uno. >>> pero el alza en los precios se sentirÁ en cinco estados donde aumentarÁ el impuesto registrando el incremento mÁs falto california ohio y en illinois donde verÁn un aumento de 19 centavos por galÓn. >>> en chicago el seÑor rubÉn depende de su auto para ganarse el pan de cada dÍa y dice
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.r el precio de la gasolina en california y en otros estados hasta 19 centavos por galÓn. son malos noticias para muchos que dependen del vehÍculo para trabajar pero vÍctor hugo averiguÓ como se puede gastar menos en gasolina. >>> los precios del combustible se siguen disparando aprobaron el aumento de impuesto que entrarÁ en vigor hoy. >>> por lo que choferes en california tendrÁn que pagar un aumento en impuesto mÁs...
Jul 5, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. hey tú, ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión? a sudor de una semana. si tiene que estar limpio, tiene que ser tide. hidratantes... has pero una ola de hidratación... ...arrasará con todos. hydro boost de neutrogena®. con ácido hialurónico... ...empapa las células de tu piel... ...dejándola súper hidratada. neutrogena®. rouge signature sunset. tinte labial mate. ocho nuevos tonos cálidos. menos textura, más colores. más parís. mate duradero. sensación natural. rouge signature sunset. de l'oréal paris. we're worth it. chicos, tengo una idea. ¡cuenta cuenta! ¿y si le damos a la gente el iphone xr cuando se unan a t-mobile? por tiempo limitado, cuandopor cuenta nuestra.? ♪ (mÚsica) ♪. >> es una de las bandas mÁs taquilleras despuÉs de 32 aÑos haciendo mÚsica, es el grupo laberinto, a quien hace unos dÍas pude entrevistar y presenta su nuevo material discogrÁfico, la historia continÚa, aquÍ va una probadita de la canciÓn la potra y la entrevista que les hice. >> ♪ (mÚsica) ♪. >> bienvenidos, ¿ quÉ se siente que estÁn ahorita a punto d
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. hey tú, ¿las alergias te arruinan la diversión? a sudor de una semana. si tiene que estar limpio, tiene que ser tide. hidratantes... has pero una ola de hidratación... ...arrasará con todos. hydro boost de neutrogena®. con ácido hialurónico... ...empapa las células de tu piel... ...dejándola súper hidratada. neutrogena®. rouge signature sunset. tinte labial mate. ocho nuevos tonos cálidos. menos textura, más colores. más...
Jul 2, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. ¡acomencemos.scuchÁndola cantar un pedacito por favor. mariposa de barrio, ♪. la que vive cantando ♪. la oruga transformado su dolor en color ♪. (aplausos) (gritos) >>> guaÚ! asÍ es como pues muchÍsimas gracias conocer tu historia >>> gracias saludos al estudio y jenni vive >>> regresamos allÁ con ustedes a los estudios >>> gracias nolberto >>> canta hermoso cuÁntos artÍculos guarda >>> gracias nolberto >>> frederic >>> permiso las vengo a saludar estaca cerca de la cocina con james y las flautas >>> quÉ nos tiene >>> mÁs adelante tenemos que saber la importancia del fÚtbol femenino hoy porque la controversial de estados unidos megan rapinoe hoy tiene un gran desafÍo enfrentarse al ♪ ♪ tú me tienes volando ♪ tú me tienes soñando ♪ tú me tienes tirando pinta sensual ♪ nuestro proceso de doce pasos asegura agua de calidad cien por ciento pura. busca los paquetes para niños (wooooow) con diseños divertidos y el tamaño perfecto de nestlé pure life. ♪ (mÚsica) ♪ >>> (aplausos) >>> la semifinal de estado
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell. ¡acomencemos.scuchÁndola cantar un pedacito por favor. mariposa de barrio, ♪. la que vive cantando ♪. la oruga transformado su dolor en color ♪. (aplausos) (gritos) >>> guaÚ! asÍ es como pues muchÍsimas gracias conocer tu historia >>> gracias saludos al estudio y jenni vive >>> regresamos allÁ con ustedes a los estudios >>> gracias nolberto >>> canta hermoso cuÁntos artÍculos guarda...
Jul 1, 2019
eye 449
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.as de este lunes. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ) >>> escuchen esto entraron en vigor nuevas leyes que restringen los opioides en el paÍs michigan, florida y tennessee limitan la gran cantidad de opioides que los mÉdicos podrÁn recetar a estuvos suus pacientes >>> hay un programa de adolescente para dejar los cigarrillos electrÓnicos y (nombre en inglÉs) podrÁn obtener ayuda en tiempo real y dar apoyo personalizado. escuchen esto una mujer de 77 aÑos de edad muriÓ en florida por la llamada bacteria come carne la mujer de nombre carolyn fleming acudiÓ a la playa de coquina en el oeste de la penÍnsula con su hijo y hija por una cortada su estado de salud empeorÓ luego de sufrir una infecciÓn generalizada. la e-coli causÓ la muerte de un niÑo de 2 aÑos en san diego california al parecer tras asistir a una feria de ganado con su familia aunque no se sabe la fuente dÓnde procedÍa esta bacteria otros 3 menores estÁn afectados, no se reporta como de gravedad pero como medida de precauciÓn los encargados de la
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.as de este lunes. ( ♪ mÚsica ♪ ) >>> escuchen esto entraron en vigor nuevas leyes que restringen los opioides en el paÍs michigan, florida y tennessee limitan la gran cantidad de opioides que los mÉdicos podrÁn recetar a estuvos suus pacientes >>> hay un programa de adolescente para dejar los cigarrillos electrÓnicos y (nombre en inglÉs) podrÁn obtener ayuda en tiempo real y dar apoyo personalizado. escuchen esto...
Jul 11, 2019
eye 210
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all of us right now are just duracell batteries for our machine overlords, our bodies sustained in at bath with tubes out of every hole, george. every hole. you can take the red pill or the blue pill, george. i took the red pill, and it was pure robitussin and i am tripping balls right now. ( cheers and applause ) tripping balls." but of course the interview wasn't just about polls. trump and stephanopoulos also argued about the mueller report. >> they didn't examine collusion. he laid out evidence of obstruction. >> oh, are you trying to say now that there was collusion, even though he said there was no collusion? >> he didn't say there's no collusion. >> he said no collusion. >> he said he didn't look at collusion. >> george, the report said no collusion. >> did you read the report? >> uh, yes i did, and you should read it, too. >> i read every word. >> all right, let's go. let's go. you should read it, too, george. >> stephen: he's getting out of there. he's hustling out of there as fast as he can because he's busted and he knows it. he didn't read the report. "you ever read 'moby
all of us right now are just duracell batteries for our machine overlords, our bodies sustained in at bath with tubes out of every hole, george. every hole. you can take the red pill or the blue pill, george. i took the red pill, and it was pure robitussin and i am tripping balls right now. ( cheers and applause ) tripping balls." but of course the interview wasn't just about polls. trump and stephanopoulos also argued about the mueller report. >> they didn't examine collusion. he...
eye 100
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. is how driving should feel. the tech-advanced nissan leaf. the best selling electric vehicle of all time. this is nissan intelligent mobility. ♪ >>> here are the winning numbers from last night's $95 million mega millions drawing. 6, 38, 47, 57, 63. the mega number, 12. nobody picked all six, so tuesday night's jackpot goes up to $107 million. in southern california a bear and her cub roamed a neighborhood for three days, but now they're on their way out. this aerial video shows the bears roaming a neighborhood in castaic. that's about 40 miles north of los angeles. the neighborhood is full of families, pets and swimming pools, which were irresistible to the mama bear. it took the bears a little while to build up the courage to get this close to homes. the california department of fish and wildlife arrived yesterday afternoon to relocate the bears. >>> time right now is 8:54. we will continue to monitor any new developments regarding the earthquake on abc7news.com. >>> on behalf of ou
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. is how driving should feel. the tech-advanced nissan leaf. the best selling electric vehicle of all time. this is nissan intelligent mobility. ♪ >>> here are the winning numbers from last night's $95 million mega millions drawing. 6, 38, 47, 57, 63. the mega number, 12. nobody picked all six, so tuesday night's jackpot goes up to $107 million. in southern california a bear and her cub roamed a neighborhood for three days,...
Jul 27, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. and realize you can get youeverything you need...oss oh, yeah. yep. yes! ...to feel like a boss? that's yes for less. 20 to 60 percent off specialty store prices for every room and every budget. at ross. yes for less. >>> part of our commitment to building a better bay area means looking at how local police departments struggle to hire enough officers. it is something we have told you about before. last night san francisco police welcomed 24 new officers to its force, 19 sfpd rookies graduated from the police academy at the scottish rite center on 19th avenue and another five officers completed training in san francisco after working for other police agencies. >>> mere at abc 7 we are also highlighting people in our communities doing their part to build a better bay area. a nonprofit in san francisco funded with help from the city is equipping low income students with stem tools to help them land jobs in the tech industry. "abc 7 news" reporter luz
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. and realize you can get youeverything you need...oss oh, yeah. yep. yes! ...to feel like a boss? that's yes for less. 20 to 60 percent off specialty store prices for every room and every budget. at ross. yes for less. >>> part of our commitment to building a better bay area means looking at how local police departments struggle to hire enough officers....
Jul 31, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. kron 00:04am morning news, let's head over to the east bay we want to take a look at the traffic leaving conquered, this is to 42. >>the caltrans camera southbound there clayton road and it shows you the backup. from an earlier accident you can see all the headlights there along to 42 leaving conquered and those folks are trying to make it to 6.80 there's a crash at the truck scales on the one at creekside so that's been cleared. but as i just showed you would still backed up heavily on to 2.42 that puts your drive time roughly 13 minutes still not bad from highway 4 out to danville really quick peak at highway for little pay the slowing through pittsburgh bay point 18 minutes to make it to concord and the bay bridge back up it's waiting for you if you're about to use it slow from the bottom of the maze with every meal, there's a dish. but what happens to all that grease? it flows into your dishwasher, gumming up its performance. add finish dishwash
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. kron 00:04am morning news, let's head over to the east bay we want to take a look at the traffic leaving conquered, this is to 42. >>the caltrans camera southbound there clayton road and it shows you the backup. from an earlier accident you can see all the headlights there along to 42 leaving conquered and those folks are trying to make it to 6.80 there's...
Jul 22, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.h is better 6.54 getting close to 07:00am on this monday morning near lookout at sfo showing for the most part some pretty clear skies but you can't miss the fog out in the distance. >>no delays as of right now been looking at these pretty consistently all morning long and we've remained delay free to start the week out of sfo which did a nice news is you get outside to start this new week, your current temperatures are in the 50's and 60's not changing much through the morning just yet they'll be on the rise here shortly concord in dublin at 62 degrees berkeley sitting at 55 right now with oakland in the upper 50's at 59, san francisco at 55 degrees currently now compared to yesterday a lot of our inland areas are showing quite the noticeable warm-up san jose and livermore each 5 to 6 degrees warmer than at the same time yesterday. you can expect a warmer afternoon to with some of our daytime highs inland well into the 90's. robin. >>all right. thank you john, let's head back to our h
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.h is better 6.54 getting close to 07:00am on this monday morning near lookout at sfo showing for the most part some pretty clear skies but you can't miss the fog out in the distance. >>no delays as of right now been looking at these pretty consistently all morning long and we've remained delay free to start the week out of sfo which did a nice news is you get outside to start this new week,...
Jul 4, 2019
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.lence) ♪ book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels.com... ...and earn a $50 gift card. because when your business is rewarding yourself... ...our business is you. book direct at choicehotels.com ok. it was an accident. he was tickling me and... [laughing] stop it! yeah. whoops! but julie has resolve pet expert. its latest formula attacks odors at the source. no odor. no stain. no nothin'. whatever happens, no big deal. resolve. >>yeah, i'm not looking too bad, you know it's kind of business as usual for 4th of july some sunshine and some fog out things that are expected this time of too much thought was a you know what it's looking likely that it shouldn't be too much fog but it will be enough that you know your view of the fireworks may be a little bit fuzzy look in such as in san francisco word, other areas of the closer to the water. this morning. we are certainly starting off with more that fog and we did see the past few days when this view is just crystal clear been tal
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.lence) ♪ book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels.com... ...and earn a $50 gift card. because when your business is rewarding yourself... ...our business is you. book direct at choicehotels.com ok. it was an accident. he was tickling me and... [laughing] stop it! yeah. whoops! but julie has resolve pet expert. its latest formula attacks odors at the source. no odor. no stain. no nothin'. whatever happens, no big deal....
Jul 23, 2019
eye 55
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. because both is better than not both. becauthat leave better therea lasting impression. like the feeling of movement as a new journey begins, or the sight of soft fur, warmed by the morning sun. you might remember new flavours, or a view that defies all expectations. these are the memories that stay with you, long after the moments have passed. sausa4 donut holes. for just a dollar. dang!! try my 2 for $4 breakfast biscuits and add 4 donut holes for just a buck. only at jack in the box. >>back to the kron 4 morning news and thanks for staying with us time to check in on the forecast now we are in store for little warm yeah, it's definitely going to be a warm forecast ahead guys and not just for a day or 2 we says the long haul but that gives us a chance to get used to it ok who's going to look at the positive side right, we're just going to be really still weather after this. and today is a going to be a bad day at all if you liked yesterday, you're really like today and a with a sunr
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. because both is better than not both. becauthat leave better therea lasting impression. like the feeling of movement as a new journey begins, or the sight of soft fur, warmed by the morning sun. you might remember new flavours, or a view that defies all expectations. these are the memories that stay with you, long after the moments have passed. sausa4 donut holes. for just a dollar. dang!! try my...
Jul 1, 2019
eye 323
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪ book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels.com... ...and earn a $50 gift card. because when your business is rewarding yourself... ...our business is you. book direct at choicehotels.com dublin, where 13 city approved vendors have opened their boots fireworks will be permitted in 3 dublin parks from 10 in the morning till 10 at night on the 4th of july in those parts include alamo creek park emerald glen park in shannon park. the double sports complex will be off limits this you've enjoyed that in years past but there's ongoing construction, so that will be off limits this year. >>and make sure it's all legal and be in the right spot. case something goes wrong. but it's important to house my favorite thing percent my family loves them. >>and there's a place in town to do it. >>yes safe and sane fireworks can also be used at single family homes in dublin, but not at apartment complexes to keep that in mind and setting off fireworks at any location which hasn't been
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪ book two, separate qualifying stays at choicehotels.com... ...and earn a $50 gift card. because when your business is rewarding yourself... ...our business is you. book direct at choicehotels.com dublin, where 13 city approved vendors have opened their boots fireworks will be permitted in 3 dublin parks from 10 in the morning till 10 at night on the 4th of july in those parts include alamo creek park emerald glen park...
Jul 26, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ou eat right... mostly. because both is better you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. >>garlic festival kicks off in gilroy absolute always fun and last through the weekend. and it's going to be hot. you know, you've got the hot temperatures coinciding with the garlic festival which is everybody talking like >>since kron 4 sarah stinson live there. >>at christmas hill park in gilroy morning, sarah. >>plus we're in gilroy it's the 41th year so quite exciting for everybody. it's very well known and speaking of the whole weekend. it's going to be hot for the chefs who in that you saw that flame earlier, i mean
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ou eat right... mostly. because both is better you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatment that targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling....
Jul 25, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. both is better than not both. >>good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday, i'm darya folsom and i'm james fletcher it is july 25th, thank you for joining us this morning. hope you got through yesterday just fine as hot as it was because it was or how weather on the way any hot spots before we get the forecasts no major hot spots but 2 crashes on the nimitz so it's already backed up in both directions this morning but compared to the weekend at yesterday was nothing rises we've got a lot more and yesterday was quite literally the warm-up to that we social just very hot. a triple digit day time highs on average for inland areas come the weekend when yesterday we barely skirted the triple digits for just a couple of spots in the bay as of this morning skies definitely showing just a touch more cloud cover. >>thanks to this cloud cover temperatures today will be about one to 2 degrees cooler than yesterday which is it going to be anything that you feel because we really
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. both is better than not both. >>good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday, i'm darya folsom and i'm james fletcher it is july 25th, thank you for joining us this morning. hope you got through yesterday just fine as hot as it was because it was or how weather on the way any hot spots before we get the forecasts no major hot spots but 2 crashes on the nimitz so it's already...
Jul 6, 2019
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.nce) ♪ >>in these bad huge sideshow took place late on the 4th of july in oakland police say at least 200 cars were involved. kron 4 sweet chagall reports that some of the cars were towed and people were cited. >>shooting off gathered at 42th avenue ar interstate 80 in oakland, the witness says upwards of a 1000 spectators watched the legal side show. it was winding down you know you have all the smoke in the air you can see where you're going can see we're walking. >>you don't know there's cars doing donuts right by you at one point it appears one person. it's out there and there's no reason to even participate be a witness heavy cameras out anything because there's a number of fatalities that have occurred a number of serious injuries that have happened and i'm not talking cuts and scrapes, i'm talking broken bones is just on this. >>it's not called for the oakland police department is leading the investigation into the side show witness says it took about 25 minutes law enforcement
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.nce) ♪ >>in these bad huge sideshow took place late on the 4th of july in oakland police say at least 200 cars were involved. kron 4 sweet chagall reports that some of the cars were towed and people were cited. >>shooting off gathered at 42th avenue ar interstate 80 in oakland, the witness says upwards of a 1000 spectators watched the legal side show. it was winding down you know you have all the smoke in the air you...
Jul 4, 2019
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o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.o alcanzar. >> en realidad se siente uno feliz, cuando uno quiere algo, que quiere algo y dice yo lo voy a hacer, y lo voy a hacer. >> la ayuda guÍa y ayuda que chirla coalition for humane immigrant rights of los angeles brinda a la comunidad dieron su frutos y finalmente se convirtÓo en ciudadano americano. >> no fui a la escuela, pero sÍ desde lejos me dice que le hacÍan a la bandera yo decia voy a mover la bandera, la que sÍ funciona tambiÉn. >> eso. >> me funcionÓ. >> y tratarlo de hacerles el camino lo mÁs facil posible, especialmente agente de bajos recursos, agente mayor como el seÑor israel. tenemos mÁs de dos millones de personas que ya califican para hacerse ciudadano y no lo han hecho, asÍ que si podemos contar con un pequeÑo porcentaje de ellos seremos ciudadanos de verdad. >> viva amÉrica, viva mi nuevo paÍs (risas) quÉ viva (aplausos) ya lo vieron, don israel nos enseÑa que no hay sueÑo que no se pueda lograr, mi meta que no ol ustedes a los estudios desde los Ángeles ama
o tal vez, podrías simplemente confiar en duracell.o alcanzar. >> en realidad se siente uno feliz, cuando uno quiere algo, que quiere algo y dice yo lo voy a hacer, y lo voy a hacer. >> la ayuda guÍa y ayuda que chirla coalition for humane immigrant rights of los angeles brinda a la comunidad dieron su frutos y finalmente se convirtÓo en ciudadano americano. >> no fui a la escuela, pero sÍ desde lejos me dice que le hacÍan a la bandera yo decia voy a mover la bandera, la...
Jul 28, 2019
eye 287
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.e both is better than not both. >>an arkansas woman took advantage of the deals at a shoe store close out sale and what she did was she bought out the entire store. >>bur she says she doesn't plan on keeping the 1500 pairs of shoes instead her shopping spree will benefit the whole community. look around carrie jernigan shouse. >>it was right around 1500. >>she's not hoarder. >>they from newborns to size 13 in means doesn't have a shopping addiction. >>she was just inspired by her daughter's huge hearts. >>i know senate she's little too small a 4th grader harper jernigan just wanted to buy or friend one pair of new shoes and navy at parents and i know he likes a i saw some and then she she and long lead to shoot her my friends, but she didn't know his size. we want be able to figure out of sight as because of the time of the year. and so i just jokingly looked at the clerk asked how much for the rest of the shoes in here. >>you just joking. >>when daley and then same a time maybe midnig
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.e both is better than not both. >>an arkansas woman took advantage of the deals at a shoe store close out sale and what she did was she bought out the entire store. >>bur she says she doesn't plan on keeping the 1500 pairs of shoes instead her shopping spree will benefit the whole community. look around carrie jernigan shouse. >>it was right around 1500. >>she's not hoarder....
Jul 28, 2019
eye 307
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. you eat right... mostly. because both is better you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in t way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatesnt that targets, fre and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary numbness, discomfort, and swelling. don't imagine results, see them. coolsculpting, take yourself further. >>> welcome back. ant suspected thief we through a lot for a case of gatorade. cameras captured him as he struggled to escape with loot at a d.c. gas station. he repeatedly kicked on the locked door. >> yeah, and finally he was able to squeeze h body through a hole here. who else better to tell the story than pat collins, who went to that store to learn more about this wild heist. take a look. >> reporter: this guy is giving a whole new meaning to the expression "doorbuster." we call him gator
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ecause both is better than not both. you eat right... mostly. because both is better you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in t way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further. a non-surgical treatesnt that targets, fre and eliminates treated fat cells, for good. discuss coolsculpting with your doctor. some common side-effects include temporary...
Jul 29, 2019
eye 828
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. esextra life in some devic or extra pow in others.may have reached peak lion king with today's video. a south carolina man was singing his renditio film's animal ong when his friend joi. ♪ >> that's the funniest thing i have seen all day. >> that was nathan the donkey d his owner travis says he has never heed and ikhawed that for so long. he goes nuts when he does that. >> it was cute.s >> that'our daily click. al. >> smucker's celebratestoday" is sponsored by smucker's. with a name like smumers, it has to be good. >> this morning, we are celebrating all the parents out there in honor of national parents day. that's right, it was over the weekend. but ourhours.re first up, john and beth. they met right here in new york city. after nearly 40 years together, their foury they still ind ways to spread love, and smucker's, everywhere they go. then we haveio and diane. not to be confused with jack and diane, o new jersey. their kids say they would be nowhere without their endless love and fosupport. rget about the fact they wouldn't evenre
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. esextra life in some devic or extra pow in others.may have reached peak lion king with today's video. a south carolina man was singing his renditio film's animal ong when his friend joi. ♪ >> that's the funniest thing i have seen all day. >> that was nathan the donkey d his owner travis says he has never heed and ikhawed that for so long. he goes nuts when he does that. >> it was cute.s >> that'our daily click. al. >>...
eye 783
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.sponsored by medicare from blue cross and blue shield companies. over 80 years of trusted health care expertise. care expertise. by finding the best deals on paint and stain. lowe's knows you do it right we do it right too, with big savings on top brands like valspar, cabot and hgtv home by sherwin williams. the time is right at lowe's. shshow me homecoming. baby sloth videos on youtube. amy, do you uh mind giving someone else a turn? oh... yeah i made myself a little comfortable here. i got a pizza for amy! yes, that's me! xfinity lets you search netflix, prime video, and youtube with the sound of your voice. and i don't have my wallet, so... that's simple. easy. awesome. experience the entertainment you love on x1. access netflix, prime video, youtube and more. all with the sound of your voice. click, call or visit a store today. >>> good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. a holiday heat wave to kick off the fourth of july. the summer scorcher at this hour and the severe storms moving
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.sponsored by medicare from blue cross and blue shield companies. over 80 years of trusted health care expertise. care expertise. by finding the best deals on paint and stain. lowe's knows you do it right we do it right too, with big savings on top brands like valspar, cabot and hgtv home by sherwin williams. the time is right at lowe's. shshow me homecoming. baby sloth videos on youtube. amy, do you uh mind giving someone else a...
Jul 27, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ot both. target school list the easiest way to shop your kids school list in a click. just enter their school, find their class and pick up their entire list in-store or have it delivered to your door. target school list assist for every school list. ♪ >> rader has now struck a number of times in a way that can be connected. yet, he's not getting the press that he's seeing other serial killers getting. ted bundy has been in the news. >> ted bundy is charged with the murder of two florida state university coeds and is suspected in 19 other murders in western states. >> he wants to know why they're not recognizing that he is among the elite serial killers. >> he sent a letter to kake tv, which was an abc affiliate here in wichita. >> this morning, kake tv was contacted by the person who police say they believe murdered four members of the joseph otero family. >> the letter in '78 to kake tv came in through the mail. just as a normal letter from a viewer, it appeared. and once it was open
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others.ot both. target school list the easiest way to shop your kids school list in a click. just enter their school, find their class and pick up their entire list in-store or have it delivered to your door. target school list assist for every school list. ♪ >> rader has now struck a number of times in a way that can be connected. yet, he's not getting the press that he's seeing other serial...
eye 300
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪ wow. we did it.he iphone xr, with a retina display that makes everything look incredible... it's like the perfect couple - you know, the ones who look great in every picture. like the ones who always make me feel like a before photo. zoey and chris. hey guys! hey... zoey and chris! ...how fun is that? at&t has the fastestnetwork for the latest iphones. get the mindblowing iphone xr on us when you buy the latest iphone. at&t. more for your thing. that's our thing. >>> it sounds like a made for tv murder mystery. but this is too real. >> you bastards. i'm still here. i didn't die in that box. you got it? i'm still here. >> robert blake was a star. >> the wife of actor robert blake was killed on friday. >> she would be famous but not for the reasons she could have ever, ever wanted. >> robert blake and bonnie lee bakley had been married for just five months. >> it would so appear that bonnie had achieved her goal of marrying a celebrity, but this would not be a traditional marriage. they wouldn't live t
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell. (silence) ♪ wow. we did it.he iphone xr, with a retina display that makes everything look incredible... it's like the perfect couple - you know, the ones who look great in every picture. like the ones who always make me feel like a before photo. zoey and chris. hey guys! hey... zoey and chris! ...how fun is that? at&t has the fastestnetwork for the latest iphones. get the mindblowing iphone xr on us when you buy the latest...
Jul 7, 2019
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(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.silence) ♪ >>your health this getting an early start to the day may have a hidden benefit for women, meredith wood has more in a recent study that links the risk of breast cancer to sleeping habits. >>researchers found sleep patterns may have an impact on your risk of getting breast cancer and that women who are naturally early risers may be less likely to get the disease. according to a study published in the bmj a british medical journal and of 100 women who identify as morning people only one got breast cancer while 2 out of every 100 night owls did. researchers also say women who get more or less than the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep are at a slightly increased risk these may seem like small differences, but researchers say they are important steps in identifying the role sleep plays an overall health experts also say your natural preference of morning your night is genetic meaning that simply modifying your sleep schedule won't change your odds of getting breast cancer. if yo
(eating potato chips loudly) or you could just trust duracell.silence) ♪ >>your health this getting an early start to the day may have a hidden benefit for women, meredith wood has more in a recent study that links the risk of breast cancer to sleeping habits. >>researchers found sleep patterns may have an impact on your risk of getting breast cancer and that women who are naturally early risers may be less likely to get the disease. according to a study published in the bmj a...
Jul 27, 2019
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coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. because both is better than not both. >>good morning. we're back on kron 4 news reading it in his view from a sutro cam up above the a the dax the layer of fog and clouds over the city that's what's keeping that parts of the bay area cool this morning. but other parts not so much it's going to be toasting days here to tell us more about that. yeah we're see those temperatures really skyrocketed in baba 100 degrees it looks like in portions of the bay to cut those inland areas. she spoke up will get a little bit of that fog tomorrow morning as well just getting pulled in from that in one heating a little bit. >>here's the shot from the bay bridge also that overcast sky appearance is covering most of the bay at this early hour, here's the shot that comes in from alcatraz again kind of shrouded in the cloud coverage you will see the fog that will lift off. temperatures other in the 50's feels good doesn't it give everybody a little relief right now 50's up to the north bay santa rosa che
coppertop, new duracell optimum can do both. extra life in some devices. or extra power in others. because both is better than not both. >>good morning. we're back on kron 4 news reading it in his view from a sutro cam up above the a the dax the layer of fog and clouds over the city that's what's keeping that parts of the bay area cool this morning. but other parts not so much it's going to be toasting days here to tell us more about that. yeah we're see those temperatures really...