up in karaoke, and instead of singing, he just listed everything he hated about each of us while duran duranin the background then he stormed out with his pants down and then, later, when we left, he was asleep in a bush. craziest thing was, he didn't have a drink just like that." if you heard that, you'd say, "well, i think that's probably the end of our time hanging out with dave. but sure, that's what's hurting your reputation. not the fact that you helped incite a riot at the capitol, lied about the election, had your law license suspended, forgot to swing your balls forward before you sat down for an interview, accidentally gave a press conference outside a landscaping company, had hair dye leaking out of the side of your head like the juice leaking from a hefty bag, and got caught shaving, at a table, in an airport. can you imagine being his waiter "what can i get for you, sir?" "i'll have some tap water and a can of barbasol. so, rudy insists he wasn't drunk, but he does like to engage in doing english accents. giuliani said the idea that he was mocking the queen is an interpretation