they say they are reiterating their on track to start production of that durance truck starting in septemberports especially on electric car companies so you have to pay attention. stuart: yes, you do. overall, big picture with the dow industrials up 133 points with some winners, bowling, nike, merck, home depot nicely higher with the dow jones up 136. s&p winners, american airlines, united, wrote rid of-- caribbean, they are reopening, expanding economy trades and nasdaq winners american airlines, united airlines, gaming people are all up this morning significantly in this economy continues to expand as we start traveling more. 10 year treasury, 1.61%. price of gold, $1732 per ounce. bitcoin nearly 62000 weekend, 57000 now. today's price of oil $64 and the average price of a gallon of gasoline keeps going up and it's now $2.86 per gallon, up 59 cents from this time last year. president biden, speaker pelosi not calling for new york governor cuomo's resignation. watch this. >> do you think governor andrew cuomo should resign? >> i think that investigation is underway. >> people have to look