it is a daunting task if you're trying to find land, especially around durban and which is where you will most likely be selling a food because you're competing with developers, competing with people who have nine to five jobs and regular paychecks and can afford to pay more for the land and you can. so ways that we can make that land more affordable and conserved is definitely a path that i would tell this in person then need to start thinking about. access to credit is a pretty big one. thankfully the micro loan program has made that significantly more affordable and accessible free and farmers, but also just learning to save yourself and learning to think about farming in creative ways. terms of training, a few don't grow up on the farm, then you don't have the benefit of getting up and running out, at 12, 14-hour drive to 514-hour day. you need to learn how the farm. and so access to opportunities for training is almost the most important thing. leaving gynecologists and the agriculture, but unless you go do it on someone else's farm you will not be successful. the beginning farm