it has no limitation on dureration, the scope, what could be done with what was collected -- duration -- it was a broad authorization. it director keeps that on his desk right now and every morning he is responsible for certifying applications under the foreign intelligence surveillance act which was enacted after the king survilance. so the director literally puts the stack of applications on top of the one-pager every morning. the applications are like this. each one of them is quite extensive and thick with numerous recitations required by the law and i can talk about those in a second. but the point is that the era of today, the protections in place today, are substantially different than that one point time. you have layer upon layer of requirements that are an effort to have countability and oversight with respect to every application, the director or the deputy director, or some other high ranking official inside the government has to sign certification that meets certain statutory requirements and explains the purpose and necessity of the surveillance. that is what it is in es