assistant to the international office of durham county council. indeed. was that your summer job?y the best, you know, kind of summer job in many respects. i mean, most of my summerjobs were working in restaurants, cleaning in, you know, the local hospital where my dad, you know, worked as a porter and, you know, various other, you know, grab bag of, you know, the typicaljobs that, you know, kind of most people, you know, in the north east of england have and sometimes people's permanentjobsjust to be, you know, very clear as well. and then it turned out that durham county council, which, um, you know, i have to say, they always kept trying to keep the international flag flying. i mentioned these 1920s, um, exchanges with the donbas region of the soviet union. now, of course, you know, one of the featured arenas forwarfare in ukraine, as you rightly mentioned earlier. but they were always very serious about exchanges, cultural exchanges. i'd gone on a whole host of them. and then, you know, they actually approached me and asked me if i wanted to kind of come, as you know, one of t