durrell m seventy two was an exact copy of the b.m.w. our seventy one. the history of how this happened isn't clear one version of events suggests that germany gave russia a license to produce the oss seventy one as part of a resource and technology exchange treaty the alternative is it gets more cloak and dagger in this one five bemis was secretly acquired by go betweens it. and smuggled back into the country where they were reverse engineered by soviet specialists it's unlikely that evidence supporting either version still exists so you'll have to make up your own mind as to which one you prefer. today and having avoided any copyrights lawsuits the fighting in it bt still standing it's currently produces around twelve hundred units per year for diehard fans of the legendary bike around the world this year's lineup boasts six models including the m seventy chippie to the original that kickstarted the brand but no matter which one you choose they all have one thing in common. a motorbike is unique you didn't think it is currently the only bike in the wor