all for duscher money is backed by prodigy of net the bankers are lying about that amount the commodities. historically the most common commodity is being gold by the 19th century the major currencies of the world for based on gold that the most major volvos currencies were the british pound. this was a period upon a true stability and not coincidentally great economic growth. some people think we should go back on the gold standard not all of whom live in art compounds in idaho. money should be worth something and gold seems as good as whatever but the high value of gold is a social convention, habit left over from the days when bright and blemish things people included were rare. gold may go out of fashion and the generation may some longer regards gold is gross and immoral the way of millennials regard feel. and gold as a product. we may discover huge new amounts of it. this afternoon the spanish when they conquered the new world they had tons of gold or through the melted it down and send it to a meant. never occurred to the spanish that they were just creating more money and not crea