it is also known that the ukrainian embassy in dushanbeg carries out recruitment work, which attractsercenaries who want to join the international legion. the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks are their accomplices. also in they are mainly of tajik origin. in connection with these facts, the russian ministry of defense submitted to the ukrainian authorities demands within the framework of the international convention against terrorist bombings and the international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism. demands for the immediate arrest and extradition of all persons involved in these terrorist attacks. dear colleagues, special attention. this was done even before the interim results of the investigation at a time when no charges had yet been brought against ukraine, immediately after. we are not bombing peaceful russian neighborhoods cities, it's themselves, it's russia, it's a false flag operation. it is impossible to imagine greater blasphemy than such statements. then something completely inexplicable began to happen. washington and its closest allies, wh