that was dustin hill is i think is his name. he said he's never been to a planning committee or community meeting where he heard someone against this plan would. it's a joke of estate me again on the day that they voted up. they had over 1000 calls that came in over 70 percent of those calls were opposed to the building of this facility. again, pose again, taken in that neighborhood directly adjacent to where this force is going. this, this cop city is going to be built at said that they are opposed to this facility protest after protests, civil disobedience direct action. they know that people are opposed to this. i come out, i'm an interrupted, only got to answer that. i want you to respond to this on their website, the atlanta place foundation. it says that they're doing this in partnership with the national center for civil and human rights. do you know anything about that? i know that the national center for civil and human rights is funded by coca cola, which is why and why at one wait was one of the corporate sponsors. on