>> my name is dustin kaun and we work throughout the united states and throughout the bay area and i work in muslim congregations and with muslim clergy and we were from immigration to poverty issues and social justice in the community and one of the reasons why it is difficult to organize in the muslim community is because of the level of fear that the community faces raising their voice, because of the level of infiltration that has existed and so no one is coming here tonight, accusing the san francisco police department of using the type of tactics used by the nypd, where they were actually sending officers as infiltraters throughout the new york region themselves but we know from the data that exists from the reporting that exists from the freedom of information act articles that many of which are pulitzer prize winning, that the f.b.i. is paying infiltraters upwards of 15,000 paid, and 45,000 unpaid, and that was numbers used in 2009. so i don't think that, i think that the first question answered in this report, i think that the report is good and that it is answering question