. >> the duke and dutchess of cambridge were at a charity hospital in south london.e charity of princess diana. will and kate have adopted this charity, and they were there for the opening of a specialized children's cancer treatment center. >> it's so awesome they're there for the hospital, and that they're there to raise awareness for charitable purposes. i'm sure that the world is going to see this photo, and the first thing they're going want to know is, what's kate wearing? i'm here to tell you. she's wearing a cream-colored amanda wakely dress. >> she's the e pit mi of class. the good girl doing even more good. >> this video i'm about to show you, new to youtube, is not the audition for the next tarzan movie. a couple guys hanging out, got a rope swing over an embankment thing. guy in the hoodie tries it out. his friends give him a boost. and look at that. no problems. >> oh, okay. >> so the guy in the red is like, bro, it's my turn now. give me a boost. his friends pull him back, launch him out. he does his best tarzan yell. can you do one for us? >> absolutel