one of the charities is this national veterans foundation, dvf.ed $56 million in three years of disabled vets. not a dime has actually gone to pay vets. has it gotten any better? >> no. according to the just filed 2011 documents, dvnn took in $29 million. that's how much americans sent to this group. as far as we can tell, most of the money went to quadriga art and its affiliates. the charity is telling us, they're in debt now to quadriga, $15.5 million. so things seem to be getting worse, not better. >> and this is the group that the senate finance committee has opened an investigation into? >> yes. the senate finance committee says the staffers are now going through the very documents that we have, also documents that are sent in by the dvnf, they're going to try to determine exactly what's going on here. they're just starting to look at this with we don't have anything to report other than they're beginning their investigation. >> i appreciate your reporting. >> this other charity that's allegedly helping animals, pets and veterans, but it does