i lost my dvl, my altitude. i see the wreck on sonar though. 0k. how close are we to the titanic?wo metres, no? the bow should be visible. if you guys see anything, you've got to let me know, ok? yeah, nothing yet. we're ten metres away from the bow. i don't see it yet. it might be on your right. it's gonna be on the right. 0k. you've gotta rotate around to it. yes, yes, yes, rotate, rotate! bow, bow, bow, bow, bow! we are at the bow. please send that message. oh, my god, you did it! confirm they are at the bow of the titanic. doing everything in reverse to make us get here, - it looks fantastic. can't believe it. in real life, it's ginormous! it's really incredible. i'm lost for words, - actually, to be honest. it's that good, yes. i'm just crying. we've made it! finally, made it. how does it feel to get a lifelong dream? hard to explain. hard to put in words. she is big. i mean, to imagine how big she must have been, there must be 20 feet of wreck inside the sand. and even like that, what you're seeing is 20 feet high. amazing to realise that you are at titanic. it's no longer a