. >> now, more on richard nixon's presidency with dwight chapin. in this oral history interview, he discusses the 1972 presidential campaign and the watergate scandal that followed. this is just over an hour. >> the dirty tricks business pl play? >> right, right. very good. dick tuck was a prankster who had done tricks on republican candidates over the years. tricks being crazy little things, nothing harmful. one day the buzzer goes off, i go into the president's office, and he's sitting there with haldeman. they say -- bob says it, do you know anyone that can do dick tuck type stuff, we should have somebody like that? i said, well, let me think about, so i'm -- i went out and thought about it, and i thought of don. he had been a roommate at usc, he was just leaving the judge advocate's position in the military -- in the army. and i thought, don, okay. he's very anonymous, we'd fit in and can do this kind of thing, i talked with don and he was interested in doing it, i arranged through herb for him to be paid. and i put it in motion with very littl