bill quoted dwight macdonald, a good quote, the principal point of contact with the real world. [inaudible] >> do you think he is light the loafers? >> i think that the times probably was that in those days, but in those days, the times was occupied much, much larger space in the journalistic universe, in the civic universe that it occupies today. and this is another point i would make, it isn't necessarily a direct rebuttal of bills, but a point that i think is very important to keep in mind as with any discussion about the media in the united states today. there's no more oracle in our media culture. that's long gone. it's disbursed the power and influence spread around, as fred said, "huffington post" for $350 million, according to america online today. the "daily beast" bought the new suite, not the other way around to it to your website but "newsweek." we live in a very different media culture. there's no more walter cronkite who can say in february of 1968, that he went over to vietnam and look at it with his own eyes and decided it was an unwinnable war and within two wee