i think dwight mcdonald's incredible, and i urge you all to read him. a really great thinker, beautiful writer. unrepentant anarchist thrown out of -- he was briefly a trot skyite, but he wouldn't follow the orthodoxy of the party, and trot sky sent a message to the party in new york and said everyone has a right to their own stupidity, but comrade mcdonald abuses the privilege. [laughter] he was invited up to columbia in 1968, and everybody was wearing little mao buttons, and he goes, where are the black flags, where are the anarchists? i rely on the writers of the '50s, mills, riceman, jacobs because i think -- and they resonate with me with a tremendous power. there's a beautiful book, by the way, by malcolm cowley called "exile's return," which is an intellectual history of the bohemian movement after world war i. it's a brilliant and kind of sering analysis of how the bo with hemoyangs and, ultimately, the new left essentially embrace the corporate values of here donism. really stunning book. again, beautifully written. so, yeah, there are a lot of