broken it down into three parts: professional résumé, athletic and special skills résumé, and dwight schrute. i am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me. how would i describe myself? three words: hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer. merciless. insatiable. there's nothing on my horizon except everything. everything is on my horizon. i got this job to make some money while i continue my employment search. and, uh... it's fine for the time being. oops. break's over. big turkey. (andy's cell phone) ♪ twiddley diddley dee ♪ twiddley dee, dee-dee ♪ ♪ twiddley diddley dee ♪ twiddley dee, dee-dee ♪ ♪ he rocks in the treetops all the day long ♪ ♪ hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing this song ♪ ♪ all the little birds is that you singing? all four parts. recorded it on my computer. it took me forever. ♪ tweet-tweet, rockin' robin ♪ nice job. thank you muchly. ♪ tweet-tweet tweet ♪ go rockin' robin ♪ boy, you're really gonna rock tonight ♪ ♪ buhm buhm buhm buhm buhm-buhm ♪ ♪ boda pah ♪ every little swallow you gonna answer it? ♪ every little bird ♪ [chuckles] i called it m