you may not realize is that even "the new york times" mentioned dylan klebold one of the two killersthere was very upset about the concealed handgun law that was being considered before the colorado state legislature at the time. the former majority leader in the colorado statehouse at the time of the columbine attack told me that klebold had written the state legislator opposing the concealed handgun bill, apparently upset about the provision that would have allowed concealed handguns permitted on school property. one of the amazing things here is the day of the columbine attack was the same day that colorado was scheduled for final passage of this concealed carry law. just hours before the state legislature was going to vote, the columbine attack occurred there. i could go through lots of other cases but you know it's not just in the united states. in europe all the multiple shootings in europe and even in switzerland where they allow concealed carry in many places, via taxpayer have all occurred in multiple public shootings in very few places where guns are banned. these killers s