vagarodz's tickets are running, and behind me the boys are running, i'm not sure why, although beautiful dylyanova, we loved you, and to all of you, my dear daughter, my dear son, like a young lover, ablulube. the guy is here in heaven, i won’t hurt you, i won’t squeeze you, i won’t get involved, i’ll be afraid, i’ll be afraid, god will go away. i’m with you , i’m drowning, i’m on my heart, i’m angling my heart, and with you, i’m on fire, i’m on fire, i’ll take care of my heart, i’ll comfort you. i'm your dear, i'll take you by the hand, i'll tell you little by little, little by little. and the steamer, and the pasinyamutsi swam, swam, the most, the savutsyatami, and the paulitsa. and the caragodas walked along the wide red dzeki . the hell is getting started vasilek, vasilek, vasilyochak little ones, oh! red, red, in the sky, eye, clear little eyes, alyonachka, like a flower, like a bright one, it was getting red, the snow was gone, oh, it wasn’t getting up, oh, it was gone, it was red, it was hanging, the green wood was crumbling, oh, it was hanging. oh, the green one, made the earth water happy