and also dystopianism, showing that utopia can turn out to be very bad. i talk about a lot of alien invasion films or tv shows, and many of them -- there was one called "v" that lasted about two, three seasons. aliens showed up promising a utopia. very strange, they were promising universal health care, blue energy and public works projects, and it got people very concerned that somehow this was a comment on the obama administration. but anyway, that show presented this as a kind of faustian bargain that people would give away their freedom for the sake of this material utopia. i look at that in a number of shows like "fringe" as well. >> host: who did you write this book for? is this a scholarly book or a popular book? >> guest: well, i'm hoping it's both. et has a lot of footnotes and uses scholarship, but i have been told that i have the common touch and, you know, it's basically about westerns, about flying saucer movies, about the -- about "south park." and i hope that both audiences can enjoy the book. >> host: is there a danger that you're putting