, budze shchasna, guess dzedachak malenki, budze shchasna! will sway, your little ones will sway, your little ones will sway, your little ones will sway bawlyat ikh, yours i'll make a little fun of them. life in the field, life in the field, people sat down, and the villages melted their eggs for their sons, they grinded, they grinded for their sons, they grinded for their sons, they grinded for their sons, they grinded for their sons, and, my life didn’t burn, because i don’t like my wife. yana black brow, zhyta matsi, zhyta, matsi, zhyta not palova, as if you don’t like the dzelka, yana black. zheta matsi, zhyta, matsi, zhyta kalasushki, as i don’t like that dzewka, and i don’t love black hairs, zhyta mazi zhyta, mazi zhyta kalasochki, as i don’t like that dzewka, i don’t have black hairs, zheta, son, life, son, life. and what did you buy for me early, what did you buy for me early, where did i not go, where did i not go, i didn’t djakavala, why did i give you a date for your vyasyolu hut, for your vyasyolu hut, hey, dzyakuyu taba nada, for