in 1932 , the film was released in wide release in the soviet union directed by dzegan called "woman"ensation. for the first time , the image of a simple peasant woman who was trying to find was embodied on the screen. place in society and become equal with men. with bated breath, viewers followed the story of a simple rural woman, maria, who dreams of becoming a tractor driver, but faces threats from her husband and ridicule from the villagers. despite everything, she goes towards her goal. enrolls in the tractor brigade as a cook. secretly watching how the tractor works, studying its structure from textbooks. at the end in the end, she achieves her goal and becomes the best tractor driver of the brigade. the story told by the authors was consonant with the stories of millions of soviet women. enthusiasm, the desire to repeat the fate of maria, with this mood many left the hall, and the women of the country of the soviets took new heights, on april 1, 1939 , the newspaper pravda published an appeal for students of the semirazev rural economic academy, 100,000 friends for a tractor, t