dzevushki from 20 years who? i, i, i, here we go 10 chalavek na kitchen.le campers are jumping, they're weeping, they're weeping, and the next day they're already crawling around, such dead campers, they're already living there without the poor. his former prisoners grigory kantar and kirill tarasenko came to the widow of a comrade, when they built the crematorium, several cars came every morning, with old people, with children, with women, they were kicked out of the cars, shot nearby, and then burned. the act drawn up by the sovereign extraordinary commission to investigate german concentration camps, forensic medical examination, which established the facts about the existence of peaceful civilians and military personnel. famine, unbearable labor, suppression of carbon oxide and executions. this act of justice in the city of minsk, the hitlerites killed 300 thousand peaceful citizens of the city of minsk, who slept near the cream stove. “your judges,” said prosecutor yachenin, “are harsh to the justice of the slaughterers, including the entire belarusia