lenina 17, apartment 15 lenina 17, 15 dzhigan everything is all right here the storage bell starts, theane is five kilometers from here to the object a couple of kilometers. it is also known that there is an extensive network of underground communications of defensive structures. this will be my last tip. well thank you anyway. so, this is a gps tracker, it will track your movement with it. i will see whether you have reached the object or not? on this map you will need to mark in detail the route of movement underground, all the inputs and outputs of the gps will not work there. there are questions. there are no questions. i have to take your phone. 10:02 i remind you that the estimated time to reach the checkpoint is 16:00, late, we'll meet here. good old luck thank you i gave the command to our counterintelligence in europe to clarify. feel free to sit down. refine target colonel white's visit. i'm afraid we will receive only subjective information based not on real facts. she has combat experience, rather than this cowboy, and there is new information about the military who came aft