so, this is eéifrgmea urrhgfm its ffilzr— — eeifrnge urrhgfwgw ee ffilzr— — family.gge ee ffilzr— — family. so, yes, - an hour, l..,lfl..l.'!., 5l. ..ll l...'l'l—. ll. ll: le .. ,. — .. lll'lljl, 5l. .,.l..l ..'ll'l. ll. l..l.: 7. .. ,. — .. i suppose. lll'lljll 5l llll ll'll'l ll ll: l7 l— l— — .. i suppose. the bbc called us - to i suppose. the bbc called us back to quit. us within 15 or 20 they realise pretty minutes. they realise pretty rapidly. we didn't know. it was skype ‘ in my home skype - in my home office, e eeeee ietefeieee ie fee eeme effiee. " we e eeeee ietefeieee ie fee eeee effiee. " we idea e eeeee ieefeieee e ee eeee effiee. " we idea about it. e eeeee ieefeieee e ee eeee effiee. " we - idea about it. translator we had no idea about it. translator translates into korean.