`only five more days till i do e.b. white; only four more days; only three more days. ' but then on the third day, before i was going to photograph e.b. white, the phone rang. i was in the kitchen. it was around 3:00 in the afternoon, and this voice said `oh, hi, ms. krementz. this is andy white,' and i didn't even know who it was because i didn't call him andy--i didn't know--andy--i said, `oh, mr. white!' he said, `you know, i've been thinking about this photography session,' and he said, `you know, i just--i am--think i am too old to be photographed. ' i said, `oh, mr. white,' i said `you know, just last week, i photographed p.j. woodhouse, who is 96 and--93 and i did rex stout the day before yesterday and he's 86. ' i said, `you're only in your 70s. you're a spring chicken. ' and he said--he paused and he said `well, come along then.' so i said, `oh, thank you. thank you. ' i said, `i'll just--i promise you, i'll take a taxi from the airport. i'll have the taxi wait in the driveway. i'll be just in and out before you know