e.j. edwards. he was a new york correspondent for the philadelphia press. that was great time for news, i forget how many daily papers new york had. philadelphia had 50 daily newspapers in the 1890s, and everything was very competitive. e.j. edwards heard this story, this rumor going around, and he found the out the name of one of the doctors, the source of this rumor. it was actually the dentist who had administered the anesthesia. so he went to the dentist and play add little trick, i think within the fair bounds of journalism of the time. he kind of let on that edwards knew more about the story than he did, and he said i understand that an operation was performed on the president, that he had a cancerous tumor removed, and this was performed on benedict's yacht, and the dentist said, well, somebody on the boat must have told you all that and went on to spill the beans and confirmed the operation and named a couple of doctors. and on august 29th, now about two months after the operate, edwards published the story in the philadelphia press under the headli