the young man who was murdered told anybody and everybody who was in earshot, including the police, e.m.t., and from what i understand, people in the hospital who killed him. in addition to that, the other young man that was shot told the police and everybody who shot not only him but the other man. i live in hunter's point. i'm 70 years old. there's obviously some drama going on between your foot soldiers and desk soldiers because when i got the call, the first thing the inspector says is i'm so sorry, i tried to tell them you don't know anything but they are going to give your name anyway to the defense. of course i called your assistant d.a.'s, first thing out of their mouth, do you want to be in witness protection program? well, duh? that's telling you that you just put my life in danger and i don't know anything. now who do i contact? >> ordinarily, man, we don't respond to questions but in light of the situation, this is an issue with the district attorney's office and it's not the police department. and the police department, they have a affirmative obligation in any case to turn o