i'm pleased to have e.o. wilson back at this table. welcome. me how you came to "the meaning of human existence or go e.o.: over a long, long route. i started my career as an evolutionary biologist. i actually invented that term. that is another story, very interesting. in the course of studying every aspect of the biology of ants, i became interested in the broad subject of social behavior. the biological origin of social behavior. entitled book sociobiology and so on and other related books. this led me to human behavior inevitably. after all, we are social animals. and eventually it just seem logical, or i found myself positioned to think about some of these questions that philosophers and even religious scholars have largely abandoned. where do we come from, what are we, and where are we going? charlie: and what does it mean to be human? e.o.: i think we are approaching a time now where the appropriate disciplines of science have large enough and are moving enough in the right direction so the restconnect with of humanity's to create a much