e.p.a. designated the surface soils operable unit to e.p.a. hard the corps of engineers is their prime contractor to come in and do yard clean ups it's pretty simple you go out and dig up some dirt out of the yard you bring in new clean dirt take the top six inches where it's hot where it's above the cleanup standard if you have some below that and that spot you take the next expenses etc a gay man may spend eighty thousand dollars to redo my yard. about three feet. deep all around ma for law all of the damage all. the best estimate i've gotten from e.p.a. is a little over one hundred thirty million dollars the average cost to remediate a yard by the e.p.a. was seventy thousand dollars per house in ny believe it was ninety five i had some e.p.a. officials come to my office and they told me what they wanted to do i said come go with me so we all got my pick and i drove them up on a chip and i said you folks think you're going to be able to fix this and one e.p.a. official made the statement to me on top of that ship all right over there i'll be able to retire here that's