contact but their movement and relative positioning was all constantly communicated to the airfields e.s.p. base station the ground based drone operators fortunately had more than enough information to effectively avoid any collision so everything went exactly according to plan c. of all of the aircraft were able to track each other his response was able to monitor all the aircraft perfectly. just as well as the old sawyer they're going to this confirms that the technology is absolutely functional up the totally legitimate by the international civil aviation standards now the task is to lobby for its full scale implementation. that he goes niehaus in moscow the process of perfecting the system for all possible flying objects pushes on the capital is perhaps the clearest example of how heavy the load on current air traffic control systems can be most of the choppers that helo russia had been flown it so we've seen how hard it is to get a green light for a chopper mission over europe's biggest city the good news we're already embracing ideas to conquer the traffic jam in the sky as. the high tech