although we did n always greisood kno we love eacother andgreeo disagr. i wa spetowar th community benepackage and e youncommunitdevepers. weookforward tbeing part of e traing d process of eseoppounits coming down the piline. mmunity. residts who can take atao oall these oprtunities. wlook forward th scholarsinternshi than come out ts. e hopethe commutyenefits package can present tha nd lp identi requirements for the entry lel to prepare people to get some of t long term emoyadof st t constructionphase,to prepare them for long term one thing ioundouthe s very educaonasslling the r. having the opportuty to tour, listen to the different id and how it is as awhole, s ve importantor me. the duesand equment for the constion workers, if there were a package to prepare the community for theunion o help them get bacinto theion, help preparehem for thow opleromout.of bringing hank you so much. supervisomaxwell:ne spker, please ep it going. > good afternoon. t youor lding th hearing. i want to alk about co o thes addreed t the digester task force and ask you to ste