. >> director eaken. >> thank you for being here, for the presentation. i was actually a little surprised when i read the briefing materials last night this was going to happen so quickly, ambitious and clearly a smart moment to go. i am a little bit concerned that some of the folks who have spoken up today should be your natural allies, they should be right there with you holding hands in the coalition and they are not there yet, and a chance when you want to go fast and be inclusive always, double down on the efforts to be inclusive of equity, environmental, health, social justice organizations. to be honest you need them to get through the legislature and this measure to pass. i know you have initiated, reached out to my organization but i just, it seems to me very clear there's more work to be done to build a broader winning coalition. >> i think that's absolutely true and we appreciate all the work that the voices have done and i think we are sort of working our way together, and i don't want to speak for them, hopefully they feel we are working our