wanted very much for us to get married and to have a child, and to close -- he wanted to close the eames office in venice, which he found very burdensome, and for us to open an office together in new york. and i made a decision -- and i don't know if was the right decision -- that i couldn't do it to ray. because i had a friendship with her, but above all because they had been together so long, and i knew how much she depended on him. and i said, "i can't do it." beebe: ray dealt with it very privately. she was hurt deeply, but she wasn't the kind of person who would have said, "it's me or her." oppewall: i don't think she wanted to leave. i think it was something that she had to accept. this wasn't the era of easy-come, easy-go relationships. there was too much shared life and community, and the fact that he, you know, had other relationships outside of the office... he seemed to be constructed that way. kirkham: but there is a position that i think is nonsense, which is to say that because charles was having a relationship with somebody else that he couldn't then carry on a collaboration with