eamon byrne selling his land. i told you... i don't want my business paraded over the papers. so you're the buyer. [ horn honks ] no, i'm not. look, i have to go. isn't that -- there's a miracle taking place up the road. go and bloody report it. keep your nose out of my business if you want to keep the job. look, here he is, the moving curate. coffee, assumpta. that was a fighting speech, father. woe unto ye. haven't heard that since the redempterists. well, a sweating statue. well, simple people, simple faith. simple isn't the same as stupid, assumpta. so where does simple end and stupid start? i mean, we're asked -- no, you ask us to believe a whole load of things that on the face of it are just as incredible as -- i'll tell you where stupid starts. stupid starts with people believing a statue that doesn't move or speak or even bleed, that sweats. that's a bit rich coming from you, considering what you claim to do on a daily basis on the altar. i do not need this right now. assumpta, that's his vocation you just kneed in the groin. shut up, brendan. eamon! padraig. any news?