we have had supreme court justices, if i can find it, right here is earl warman.aineds the last time it until 2006, when our grand marshall was sandra day o'connor. another sitting justice of the supreme court. will neverule, we again have a sitting supreme court justice as grand marshal of the parade. here is richard nixon, the first of two times he was a grand marshal. this was when he was a senator. we are going to see gerald ford and, somewhere buried in here, is a guy named ronald ragan. when he was governor of the state of california. as we look up above, we don't always have living grand marshals. kermit the frog, mickey mouse, we had sully sullenberger who saved 128 people in the hudson river several years ago. to the timengs us where we should take a look at the court room to talk about the rose queens. let's take a look at the portrait on the world -- wall of the 2019 rose queen. the hundred first for the 130th parade. this is queen louise. this is basically the way we refer to the queen. just queen and the first name. that is the same with the princesse