. -- the earlylater 20 century receive the migrations to the north. there were some talks radically towards the late 1870's or so about migrating back to africa, colonizing in liberia or going to haiti. there was sporadic but not what you would call a widespread agreement that this would be a good thing. >> thank you, professor. being the same problem. the lincoln memorial, the murals. --onciliation -- i wonder i'm really glad you brought up politicsthe current that are just the same in so many ways. i try to tell so many people. those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. what is an example of reconciliation that has occurred politically on this food issue that we might learn today? think the extent, i fear of dependency. the idea that if you give too much assistance, too much assistance or if the government is giving the business of organizing charitable assistance to people that it is a bad thing, that will make people lazy and dependent. it will make them not want to work. that idea -- it is an old idea, right? it is not one that was born