(earnst) 'waiter, may i have a drink, please?' thank you. (earnst) 'now the problem..' [people chattering] [music continues] [tires screeching] [footsteps] [tires screeching] [dramatic music] we have been waiting for you, mr. solo 'i believe is the name.' you are under arrest for the conspiracy in the murder of milo jans. [phone dial ringing] i have first secretary linz on the wire. how can you, with your bureaucratic obstractional tactics-- the prisoner will not be moved without hand carried authority. he will not be searched. his person will not be touched. security, think of security. regulations say that a suspected enemy of the state, when apprehended will not be moved until it is ascertained whether he falls under the jurisdiction of civil or military intelligence. (colonel) 'your papers please.' he refuses to give his name, only the designation. it's kr1256-- yes, that is this week, colonel! but, as you know the digits change. you come yourself to pick them up, colonel. [receiver ringing] satine, satine. - was it satine? - how can anyone know? satine has arranged