earthtouchtv, they were there to film some hatch lings. who you are seeing with the stick is water watson. what he is doing is trying to distract the mom and get her away from her hatch lings here so they can get some close shots. watch what happens to peter. you see the croc latches on to the dude's foot and everybody rushes to his aid. here is the camera guy. you have to go and help this guy. apparently, they were able to scare off the mother croc and the guy walked away with no serious injuries. >>> from the land to the air, this time, we learn that you shouldn't get between a hawk and his favorite cell phone tower, because this guy is a cell phone tower worker, up there filming this. >> what -- mother -- >> you can imagine, he is pretty freaked out, because he is pretty high up. i don't know if this is like the hawk's home. maybe there is a nest or something up there. >> it is not like a parakeet with little things but serious talons. >> you just saw a tip of wing and before you knew it, it was in his face. >> pretty good camera work f