companies, but the dutch east inn dees company -- indee's guys were married to the government. the government was sending the military around the world to protect resources and, you know, they were off to india or taking care of problems in the colonies to protect it for big business, and those two entities were married. and what it did was suppressed or eliminated the broad economic opportunity that adam smith actually thought would boost a nation's production. and resources and revenues. and so in his book he talks about how to expand that opportunity for everyone and headline, big warning, watch out for the concentration of wealth and power into a small, elite class. because that, in fact, is as destructive of capitalism as an overbearing, tyrannical government. he called -- i'll use the term "corporations," -- but he called the corporations unaccountable sovereigns. my conversation here is not class warfare. it does not denounce corporations. i mean, if capitalism was supposed to increase the standard of living for people here and around the world, it has done so without debate. but we've got to remember his caveats because they apply as much today as the moment he wrote them. and that i