we worked with the legislators and got that legislation passed for seismic building codes for eastern arkansas. and i thought one day, arkansas highway department, we were over in eastern arkansas and they were building a lot of bridges, you know? i came back, and i said, you know, we need to have seismic building codes for those new buildings, the highway department building, because if all those bridges collapse, how are we going to get relief supplies to those people when something happens? and so i recommended to the highway commission and them to talk to california and get their building codes for the highways and bridges and so forth, and they did that. but from northridge earthquake, we spent just fema, spent $20 billion in that recovery effort in california. then in 1995, we had the oklahoma city bombing. which was cause for some individuals, and the time that we were out there and the families that we visited with, and the 15 search and rescue teams that i brought in, it was probably hardest disaster that i ever had to deal with. because we brought out 168 victims out of that building