kamchatka telegram channels reported that an employee of the eastern interregional investigation department for transporthairman of the investigative committee of russia alexander bastrykin, having studied the report of the department’s information center, immediately ordered an inspection. driver of the personnel department of the investigative committee of russia, organize an internal check of the information provided and report the results. according to media reports, we are talking about anton artemenko, he is the deputy head of the eastern interregional investigation department for transport. we reached colonel justice. anton aleksandrovich, the media reports that you were allegedly among the participants in illegal hunting in kamchatka, how true is this? i don't i can comment, we are officially checking this matter. according to some reports, a high-ranking investigator actually hunted a bear that day in the kamchatka forests, but flew on another helicopter in a different place, i don’t think it’s a coincidence, so the inspectors, it seems, didn’t believe it, we’re already talking about at least th