easterny night at 8:00 on c-span. student journalists from marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida, discuss their experiences during last month shooting, and how they are the shooting for their newspaper. the museum -- the museum posted this one hour event. [applause] >> welcome, to all of you. a standing ovation before you said anything, guys. now you have to live up to the billing. thank you so much for coming here and sharing your stories with us. i will go right into questions. open itthen be able to up to the audience and a little bit to take questions from all of you. off,t to introduce first kevin, i will start with you, in terms of questions. if you could define your role at the newspaper, when i come to you in your questions. kevin, you are a photographer. i understand, you were one of the first on the scene at the shooting. when did you decide you were there as an observer, versus an --erver i had it was difficult, to balance the two. i had to see my friends, see everyone else from my schoo