rutherford: the other one is the lambda variant which is in easton peru, and in the far western brazilian amazon. it does not seem to be breaking out, so my read on that is it is not out-competing the delta variant and will remain a localized problem, but i think we will see what happens. you know, if you want to, kind of, take the next step, after i just trashed ivermectin, let's talk about how to think like a virus. a virus must have a happy host that will reproduce lots of little viruses --that is what you want. you don't want to kill the host because that kills you and all your progeny. so, from an evolutionary standpoint, we are going to see -- and this is over the longer run, i suspect we will see evolution toward things that look like the lambda variant that are very efficient in reproduction, but are not more virulent. we maybe relatively close to the end of seen lots of variants emerge. having said all of that, that is rose-colored glasses stuff. you have to stay on top of it. julian: we will take that at this point. really quickly here if we cannot perhaps we might to take this