that is relatively easyn hr stempel. -- ec from an hr standpoint. we want to train them quickly.we have hired a similar amount of people over the last couple of years. so we know we have the infrastructure to do. we have money built into the budget for training and also for those people. we're pretty confident that we can do that. >> our next question is from alia sternstein. >> question regarding oversight of project management. when do you expect to launch the va-specific-board website where citizens can watch that oversight? >> has been launched. i can get to the link to that. we did a soft launch. we have not done big publicity on it yet. i will give you the link and you can look at it. >> thank you and with regard to that, is there any information on the oracle enterprise siding on there. when you plan to sign the deal? >> i could not talk about anything that is acquisition- sensitive. we would have that on that website. it is a project where we are developing >> thank you. >> thank you. i believe katie has some questions -- >> we have answered all those questions of this co